Monday, July 28, 2014

My Toddlers Favorite Apps

It's no secret that my toddler loves the iPad. I'm thankful to say that she would (most of the time) rather be at the park or building with her Lego's, but she does like to play on the iPad. Which has sometimes been a lifesaver. We ended up caving and buying one before we went on a cruise to the Bahamas. Flying from Alaska to Miami was a long and exhausting trip for all of us. It was the best idea we had. Through trial and error over the last year and a half, we have found a handful of apps that develop her in positive ways. 
He favorite apps are the Daniel Tiger apps. "Day and Night" and "Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood." If any of you watch Daniel Tiger you know that it has life lessons that they try to teach which has actually helped my toddler with a few things. These apps follow some of the storyline in the show. A nighttime routine, a potty routine, a brushing your teeth & taking a bath theme, music, etc. these apps are fun and we love them!! Oh and did I mention food? My toddler is super picky and most days I feel defeated with trying to get her to eat, but there is an episode that has a song "You've gotta try new foods cause they might taste good" and the app lets you play with food and my daughter surprisingly is a little more open to eating new foods! 

We also get her involved with church apps. Our favorites are "Bible for Kids" and "LDS Coloring Book." Bible for kids is great because it talks her through some of the stories in the bible and has play along features. The lds coloring pages gives both Old Testament and New Testament pictures to color which also give us story time!! 

I also love the Fisher Price apps. These apps are great for learning! My daughter loves to sing the "ABC" song thanks to these so I am grateful! 

We also love "CreativityStudio" by Disney. It is such a fun app in which you can learn to draw your favorite characters! It teaches you step by step how to do multiple characters and items! 

Disney Storytime is another fun one! We love to read and there are plenty of "free"
Books and plenty available for purchase!! 

And the last app that I am mentioning is "Magic Piano by Smule." She LOVES this app. It has several songs that you earn by getting good marks on played songs! 

Although we have a ton of apps on our iPad these are just a few of our favorites! 

Thanks for reading! 

Monday, July 21, 2014

Homemade "lofthouse" cookies! Yum!

Lofthouse Cookie Recipe
I have to say these don't taste exactly like the Lofthouse cookies, but they are pretty good and they give you way more for your buck. I made about from this batch, so if you don't want that many, cut the recipe in half! These were also a fun make because my toddler got to help out with the sprinkles, well that's the only thing she wanted to help out with. ;) The batter is called to cool overnight in the fridge, however, I found that about 2 hours works well too!
6 cups flour
2 cups sugar
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
8 oz container sour cream
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 cup butter (room temp)
3 eggs
1 cup butter (room temp)
1 tsp vanilla extract
3- 6 tbsp heavy cream or half and half
4 cups powdered sugar
sprinkles to top
For your cookies: mix your butter and sugar, you should end up with a chunky mixture. Add sour cream, vanilla, eggs. Mix well, your consistency should be more smooth. Add your baking powder, baking soda and a cup of flour. I found that mixing the flour in cup by cup was easier to manage. When all ingredients are mixed, cover your bowl and let cool for
2+ hours. When you're ready to bake, preheat oven to 425.
I made a little work station with wax paper, my cookie cutter, rolling pin, and a pretty big scoop of flour to dust with. These cookies can get pretty sticky, and the first time I made them I had to go back for flour a few times. Like I said, if you made the full batch, get ready to roll a lot. I prepped two large cookie trays with parchment paper to make the process easier. They bake for 7-9 minutes and do not have to be golden brown. The thicker you decide to make them, the longer you will want to bake. I rolled my dough out to about 1/4 inch and it seemed to work pretty well.
Before you frost, make sure that your cookies are completely cool. If you do not, your icing will slip right off, and I say this from experience! Mix your butter, vanilla, powdered sugar and 2 tablespoons of cream/ half and half. Depending on how you want your consistency for the frosting, add more of leave it as is. We opted for green frosting, so I added my food coloring next. Apply and even amount of frosting on your cookies and top with your sprinkles! Below are pictures of the steps (minus the making of frosting.) 



Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Homemade granola bars

Can I just say I love this recipe?
My hubby and I have been trying to keep less junk in the house, and so far we have been doing ok. It's tough sometimes to avoid the chips, cookies, etc. but we have been keeping plenty of produce and a very limited variety of snacks in the house. I decided to try this recipe because I love love love granola bars and for some reason have been on an oatmeal kick. We tried the recipe once, and to my surprise it was a hit! The only problem is that I haven't mastered getting them into a "bar" yet, they are more of a mess. However, they taste delicious so I will keep working until I can get them mastered! 
I looked on Pinterest, big chef, google, and a few cookbooks I have to see what different recipes I could find and here is the one I tried:
1/4 cup butter
1/4 cup honey
2 cups quick oats 
1 cup crispy rice cereal 
1/2 cup brown sugar
And then either 2-3 tablespoons of chocolate chips(which is what I used) or a fruit.
Simple ingredients which I had most of, and it took me about 15 minutes to prepare.  I did double the bath the second time I made it because we liked it! 
First, mix the cereal and oats in a bowl. 

Second, in a small sauce pan, melt the butter, then add the honey and brown sugar. Bring it to a boil and then turn off the burner. 

Pour the mixture into the bowl of oats and cereal and mix well. You should have a sticky consistency. 

With my batch doubled, I lightly greased a 9x13 pan and poured my mixture in there, making it level. 

Then add your topping and make sure to press them in a bit so that they stick. 

I did read on multiple sites to let the granola sit for 2+ hours so that it has time to stick, but the recipe is so easy! 


Monday, July 14, 2014

Toddler Summer Bucket List

Our Summer Bucket List
I saw this idea on Pinterest and thought it would be neat to do it with my toddler.
Unfortunately, whenever I ask her what she wants to do, she says one of three things.
She loves the zoo, she loves the aquarium, and she loves the bookstore.
I had to do some digging for this, but I have compiled a list that hopefully we will be able to get done! I feel like some of these things are things we do all of the time, so I added a twist to them to make them a little bit more educational for her. Also, we are getting ready to move, so I am adding some things that will help me out too!
  1. Read lots of books. With how often we end up at the bookstore, this should be easy!
  2. Put on a puppet show with paper bag puppets. We haven't done puppets yet and I think that she will absolutely adore them!
  3. Go out for ice cream! Who doesn't love ice cream?
  4. Go to the zoo and match patterns to animals. This will be a new twist. I will print out a few patterns and see if she can match them to the animals!
  5. The Colorado Balloon Classic. I think she will LOVE hot air balloons, and admission is free! It'll be a bit of a drive, but I'm sure it will be totally worth it!!
  6. Go to a cupcake/ cake shop. Another treat, what can I say, I love food ;)
  7. Look for shapes in the clouds. This one may be tricky as she does not like to sit still, but I think that if I can get her to, we will have a lot of fun!!
  8. Go to at least 10 different parks. We have been doing pretty good on this, but I think she and I will start a list of every park we go to throughout the next few weeks.
  9. Make paper plate masks. I will have to take a trip to the craft store for this!
  10. Go to the pet store. She loves animals and this will be a fun way to get her out!
  11. Donate some clothes & toys. This can be one of those days when we are packing. I may have a hard time getting her to give up toys, but we can try!!
  12. Scavenger hunt. How fun will that be?
  13. Movie night. We can watch just kids movies, make popcorn and have a special dessert! Just have to make sure Daddy is home!
  14. Feed the giraffes! My husband and I bought Zoo Tycoon and she loves to watch play, how cool will it be for her to actually be able to feed them like in the game?!
  15. Have a picnic. We will probably save this one for a cooler day.
  16. Have a play date with three different friends. Maybe not all at the same time as that will probably get rowdy.
  17. Have an overnight 'campout' in the living room. We have done this before and she enjoyed it, so if we do it again, I'm sure it will be just as fun!
  18. Go to the movies. We don't do movies often, they're kind of a hassle, but as it is something that's a special treat I felt it would be a good idea to put it on the list.
  19. Take a walk. We love taking walks! This one will be easy!
  20. Go play at the new Discovery Zone in the Museum. We have been there once, and she loved it!!

I feel like this list is reasonable! It isn't too expensive, and it gives us a few days to just be lazy! I have to say spending time with my girls is one of my favorite things to do, and this will give both my hubby and I a great opportunity to bond with both of them over some fun things!!


Monday, July 7, 2014


     I can honestly say I learn something new everyday about being a mom. Being responsible for two completely different little people is exhausting. It is also the best thing to ever happen to me. I learn patience, I learn how to handle problems, I learn so many things, a list wouldn't do them justice.
I like to think that I've had a pretty easy time with my girls, but they're still pretty young and I'm sure the hard times are yet to come. My baby is such a sweet girl all the time. She loves to snuggle, is usually happy (except when she's hungry or tired,) and just has the best little toothy smile. I could just give her hugs and kisses all day long. Which she has just finally learned how to do with me, yay! Although her kisses are full of slobber I adore each and every time I get one!
I can't believe how fast she is growing, it feels like just yesterday she was this tiny little thing I was afraid I was going to break every time I touched her. Now, she has four teeth, is crawling all over the house, trying to run away from me when she knows she has something she shouldn't, and is getting really close to walking. She's getting the cutest little personality and she is such a little love bug, just typing about her makes me smile.
My three year old on the other hand is a completely different story. She is so independent nowadays I can barely get her to sit with me for five minutes. It makes me so sad. She's crazy, messy, cries when she doesn't get her way, and so frustrating at times. Does that make me love her less? Absolutely not. I often times have to just remind myself that she's three and that's what three year olds do.
I think back to the days when I was a new parent and how perfect she was to me. That little bundle of love that I couldn't look at enough. That innocent little girl is right behind those beautiful big brown eyes. Only now she likes to be crazy. My husband and I have to remind ourselves every day of her age because she can be so frustrating at times. It's so hard to not be angry when she spills paint into the carpet, or smears gummy snacks onto the walls, brings what feels like hundreds of toys out to the living room and just leaves them. That's what three year olds do. They make messes, they tell you "no" when you ask them to do something, they are just trying to figure out how far they can push you because they are trying to be independent. I think having a toddler definitely teaches you some patience, which has never been my strongest quality. I learn every day to just take a breath and let her be herself.
We have hit the stage where we have to be careful of what we say around our toddler because she likes to imitate. We have had her say "gosh darn it," but in words we don't want her to repeat just because she heard someone say it. How innocent she is to repeat something because she heard an adult say it, and how confused she looks when we told her she can't say it. It's hard to teach your children to have clean language when the world around you has such fowl mouths. Our biggest teaching moment just has to be to teach by example. I am so thankful that I met a man who has great morals and will be a great example for my kids. I have to pray everyday  that we are able to teach and be a good example for our girls.
Being a parent is also about worrying. Something I do all day long. I worry about someone hurting them, I worry about them not getting what they need. I worry about them not eating enough, about them not getting enough sleep. I worry that they will get into something that will make them sick. I worry when they don't look clean, or when they're sick. I just want the best for them. And I worry sometimes that I am not giving them everything they need. That's when I turn to my Heavenly Father and pray. I know that no one can love them as much as I do, and I know that they are in a happy home. And that, unfortunately, is more than many kids can say. I know I should worry less, but I don't think I ever will.
Being a parent is just the most rewarding feeling. When I get those little kisses from my baby, or my toddler turns to me and says, "Mommy, I love you," I can't help but forget about any of the frustrations I have been having. Those are the moments I live for. When I hear people say they don't want children, it makes me sad. I know some people do not deserve children, but how can you not want someone who will love you despite all of your flaws, someone who looks past your mistakes and at the end of the day still loves you more than you deserve? I used to be that person. And I am so grateful to my Heavenly Father and my husband for giving me the gift of two little lives that have changed mine forever. I guess you don't ever understand until you have a child, but I can't imagine what my life would be like without them. My life is complete because of them. Challenging yes, but complete.
I guess my point is, kids are worth whatever fears you have. They are worth the messes. They are worth the headaches. They are worth skipping that party and that night out drinking. They are worth being the responsible adult that doesn't see friends as much because you're busy being a better parent. And whenever someone says I was too young to have kids, I tell them they are wrong. My girls made sure I wasn't making stupid decisions. I wasn't out drinking, I wasn't out hooking up with random people, I was being an awesome parent.  My husband and my children are worth more to me than any party I could have gone to, than any friend I can have, and spending time with them is more valuable and fulfilling than anything I could be doing. Yes, I have my hands full, but they're full of love, happiness, and beauty. Being a mom is the most rewarding "job" I could have ever asked for. I didn't know how much I was missing out on until I knew how much love my heart could hold.

Friday, July 4, 2014

A little about me....
My name is Julie and I'm a mom. I should label myself as something other than a mom, like a wife and a mom or just Julie, because I am all of those things. However, my two beautiful little girls take up most of my time, so I feel like that's me as of now.
I grew up in Colorado, Arizona and then moved to Alaska. My hubby, kids and I decided to move back home (for me,) to Colorado. All of our family is up there, so it's been a bit difficult to adjust to having very few people to turn to, but we love being down here. Our kids have so many more opportunities to see things than they did in Alaska. The zoo, the aquarium, the museum, water parks, swimming pools, parks, the list goes on and on. It's also given us the opportunity to just spend time as a family, essentially with no one else in the way. I have three younger sisters, which I love to pieces. They have always been my best friends, and probably always will be.
Anyway, back to this actually being about me. I don't have many hobbies, but I love to bake, which is probably why being thin and petite will never be in my future. I picked up the interest when I had my oldest daughter, and have loved it ever since. I wanted to be the mom that bakes all of my children's cakes and treats for their class, so I will be! I used to dance, and would love to get back in to it, but feel like I don't have the time to do so right now.
I have worked retail for over 7 years, my most recent job being the Store Manager at Aeropostale, and then came my beautiful little ten month old. I felt like after she was born, my most important job was being a mom to them both, so my husband and I made the decision for me to stay at home. I work very part time overnight as a caregiver now and once a week at Old Navy. Can I just say how much it helps to have a discount on clothes for my growing girls? I miss working for the interaction with adults. Being around a toddler and a baby all day can some days make you want to yank out your hair, but it's totally worth it. I love my girls to the moon and back, but I miss making friends through work and being able to just get a break. Let me just say though, giving my girls my time everyday is the most rewarding thing I have ever gotten the privilege to do.
Now I should probably say something about my husband ;)
We met in 2009 at work, and were married in 2010. I can honestly say that my life is so much better since I met him. He is the most patient and calm man I have ever met. I'm so lucky that out of all of the other women in the world that he chose me. Our wedding day was perfect. We had a beautiful ceremony, and a backyard BBQ surrounded by a few friends and all of our crazy family. We were waiting to go on a honeymoon until the winter to get out of the snow, and about three months later, we found out we were expecting a baby so our plans got cancelled. I can honestly say I was terrified. I woke up one morning from a crazy dream in which I had a little girl call me mommy. Yikes. I ran into the bathroom and took a pregnancy test to find out that I really was pregnant. I cried for a few minutes and then decided to wake up my sleeping husband. I remember walking to the bedroom, shaky and clammy, and poking him in the shoulder. I think he was a bit confused because it was out of habit, but when I told him he was so excited he gave me a hug and picked me up off of the floor, it made me feel a little bit better. The months went by and we finally got to find out what we were having. I was on the table and remember just pleading, "Please be a girl, please be a girl, please be a girl" and being in tears when they told me it was. I was so excited at this point, and so in love, that I felt like the rest of my pregnancy went by so, so, so slow. Then came (and passed) my due date. And finally on April 5, a week later, I was able to hold my little bundle of love. I never thought I could be so in love with anything as I was with her. My perfect little girl. Adjusting to being parents was scary, but so much fun. We learned so much every day, and just kept falling in love all over again. Watching my handsome man become such a good dad just reminded me daily of all of the reasons I married him. About two years later, we found out we were expecting, again. I have to be a little honest I did not want another baby, and looking back I think it was because I was scared and didn't think I could ever love anyone as much as I loved my perfect little girl. Again, I remember being on that waiting table pleading, "Please let it be a girl, Please let it be a girl, Please let it be a girl, " and again, it was. I started to get SO excited.
And again, my due date passed. And it felt like forever. The doctor set an induction date, and two days before I got to welcome my second perfect child into the world. The look of love that Chloe automatically gave Kaylee just melted my heart. And I fell in love all over again. Since then, it's been all about my little family! It is honestly amazing to me how much love my heart can hold for them. I know that my Heavenly Father sent me here to be my husbands wife, and my little girls mom. I am not perfect, but I do know that no one can love them as much as I do. And I know that every day I need to do is pray to be better for them and be the best spouse and mommy I can be.
Anyway, that's just a little bit about me! I'm starting this blog for some "me" time and to share what I love!
