Thursday, August 14, 2014

Kaylee's First Birthday

So with my little ones first birthday right after we move I didn't have a lot of time (or energy) to plan a huge party. I opted for something easy and fun for the kids! Who knew that renting a park (for only $28 for two hours) would be so much fun and stress free? I decided to throw a little something together with a "Daniel
Tiger's Neighborhood" theme. Both of my girls love everything about Daniel Tiger. And it seemed to be a big hit with all of the kids that came to the BBQ. 

We had hamburgers and hotdogs with chips and juice boxes, easy right? 
I did a few decorations too! Balloons, a silverware container with picture of Daniel Tiger & Friends and I striped my napkins! Total time maybe 10 minutes. 
The cake took me the longest. I love making cakes and I am always willing to put the time into them!  I had so much fun making it! 
We put this together pretty quickly and really decided to just make a little get together for kids to play and I feel like it was really fun!! 

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Losing kids to time.

I read something last night that just broke my heart. Often times I am that mom that is overly paranoid, and always worrying about something happening to my kids. And I find myself crying thinking over those things. I know that they are healthy and safe but that what if is never impossible. What would I do if something did happen? I have no idea how I would handle all of that pain, and it breaks my heart when I read stories (like I did last night) about parents losing their children and trying to move forward. How much time are we losing out on by not embracing the present?
There's not much a parent wouldn't do for their child, yet we let so much distract us from them in the precious time we do have them. Social media, entertainment, work. And we don't even realize we are losing our time with them. Every second that goes by is that much less time that we have to get those little snuggles, "mommy look at me's" and little giggles full of love. I look at both of my girls and honestly don't know where the time has gone. Just yesterday they were born, or so it feels. 
With my oldest, I worked full time from when she was six weeks old. I feel awful about losing that time with her and the only comfort I have is knowing that she was in great hands. I had two wonderful sister in laws that watched her and helped her develop. In return, I missed that. And now that I have gotten the opportunity to work part time and stay home with my kids during day hours, I see how much I really did miss. I don't regret working because it helped support my family, but I do wish my husband and I would have found a way for me to stay at home before I got to. Unfortunately in every family, someone has to miss the extra moments to work which is why it is so important to cherish the ones you do have.
Life is too important, our kids are too important, to be worrying about what other people are doing. To be fretting over things you can't change or things that you wished you had done differently.  We have to embrace the moment we are in. 
I know my girls can't stay little forever, but sometimes I wish they could. I love the big hugs and kisses they give me. I love the giggles and smiles that light up my home with love. I love laying next to them while they sleep and just snuggling. The way they smell after a bath. Those moments are the ones I don't want to lose, the moments that I make sure I cherish every time they are around. 
The time will be here too soon that those little bodies won't snuggle up at night with you or ask to sit in your lap. The time that your home will no longer be full of giggles and games. And it will be here too fast. And putting aside the things that don't matter and focusing on what's important is the only way that we can truly make sure we enjoy them and don't look back with regret! Sure your house could be cleaner, your hair could have been a little bit better groomed, you may have missed the premiere of your favorite tv show or dinner could be hours late, but if you take the time to enjoy your kids none of that matters. All they will remember is you spending time with them. They will remember being loved and cherished. Having mom and dad present and not ignoring them due to computers, phones or whatever else is keeping them distracted. They will remember you. Whatever we choose to focus our time on, we need to make sure it's what matters. Those little ones we love will remember what we chose to focus on. They will remember and we don't want them to remember the things we wish we could take back.