Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Fall Bucket List

Fall is officially here and after the heat this summer I am beyond ready for some cooler weather. I love summer, but after living in Alaska for so long my body did not adjust to the heat very well.
Fall is such a beautiful season. I love being outside and seeing all of the colors and feeling the cool, crisp air in the mornings and evenings. Chloe is already enjoying the crunch from the leaves under her feet. And boots. She loves boots. I cannot even begin to describe her excitement when we bought her two new pairs last week. She has been asking to wear them every single day. And it's still a bit warm to be wearing winter boots. 
Fall is such a fun and exciting season! We have been brainstorming what to do and are so excited to set our bucket list! We have come up with some pretty fun things!

Carve pumpkins 
Play in the leaves 
Visit a pumpkin patch
Go trick or treating
Visit a Halloween store and pick out our costumes
Watch a Halloween movie
Make Halloween crafts 
Go to the bookstore and read festive books
Drink hot chocolate 
Go on a fall nature walk
Send homemade Halloween cards to family
Make Halloween treats for our friends 
Bake a pie
Take a trip to the zoo
I didn't want to set too many things to do because we get easily distracted (or I should say I do) but I want to make sure we have a wonderful season! This list is short, sweet and should be tons of fun!!! And it is easy enough to accomplish everything on it! :)  

Friday, September 19, 2014

Our summer bucket list

I honestly have not even thought much about this bucket list since I wrote it... Oops. Luckily now that I am looking at it, we did so much this summer and I am so happy to see that we accomplished quite a bit! 
#1 was read lots of books. I subconsciously remembered this one because I took pictures of most of the books we read. We love to buy the big Disney books that have multiple stories in them so I didn't include those. Also, my kids seem to like the same three books over and over and over. Our weekly visits to the bookstore were great though. I really enjoyed some of the books we read! 
#2 was put on a show with paper bag puppets which we also did. I think my little ones are still a little young for this one, but we did it anyway. They had plenty of giggles over the mouths 😉
#4 go to the zoo and match patterns to the animals. We did this! It was apparently really easy too. My three year old ran around yelling what the animal was before we were anywhere near it! 
#5 The Colorado Balloon Classic was absolutely amazing! We got up at about 4:30 in the morning for the drive but both of the girls, hubby and I really enjoyed it! 
#6 Go to a cupcake/ cake shop was unfortunately not done. We went out for ice cream several times because that is always what Chloe wants for dessert :) 
#7 Look for shapes in the clouds... I think we may be a bit young for this because we had NO luck 😩
#8 Go to 10 different parks! We managed that! We went to Lac Amora, Zang Spur, Midway, Outlook, Northmoor, Waneka, Peter Pan, Erie, Lousville Community, Wildgrass and Big Dry Creek!! 
#9 Make paper plate masks. We didn't do, we actually bought a little kit and made eye masks which was fun!! 
#10 Go to the pet store! We did! The Park Meadows mall has a pet store with the cutest little puppies! We all loved it!! 
#11 Donate some clothes & toys, check!! 
#12 Scavenger hunt, sad! We never got around to this
#13 Movie night. We had several of these. But off of the top of my head we watched Free Birds together 😊😊😊 
#14 Feed the giraffes, this is still totally on our bucket list and we WILL be doing it sometime! 
#15 Have a picnic. We did this a few times when we went out for play days :) 
#16 Have a play date with three different friends! We had a few play dates over the summer! Play dates are great!! 
#17 have an overnight campout in the living room. I think we skipped this one. 
#18 Go to the movies. This one was hard. When we decided to try to go there were no kids movies anyone wanted to see in theaters so hopefully we can so this soon!! 
#19 take a walk. We love walks! We walked to the store, to Starbucks, to the park! 
#20 Go play at the new Discovery Zone in the Museum! Chloe adored this! For anyone in the Denver area, I highly suggest this! There is so much for the kids to do and it's awesome!! 

This summer was such a good summer for us! We got to go to Water World, have my sister visit (and although I loved her being here I think the girls enjoyed her visit more,) see the mermaids at the aquarium, to to the zoo, play with friends! I love living where we have all the opportunities we do!